Service at the Area Level

Come share the joy of fellowship and service at the Area level. The Vermont Area World Service Committee (the AWSC) serves as the Area’s group conscience, meeting regularly between the semi-annual Area Assemblies. Members serve a three-year term (One Day at a Time!), elected at a Fall Assembly, with terms beginning on January 1st.

THE AWSC HAS FOUR OPEN SERVICE POSITIONS FOR THE 2025-2027 TERM. The open positions are: Alateen Coordinator, Information Technology Coordinator, Public Outreach Coordinator, and Forum and Literature Coodinator/Alternate Delegate.

You can find descriptions of the various Area-level service positions by referring to the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual and by clicking on the links below. Responsibilities are further decided by the current Committee and by the members’ own vision of how they can contribute.

When serving at the Area level, it is helpful to have had previous service experience at the group and/or district level. However, outgoing Area Committee members are often available to provide training and support. “Tolerance, responsibility, flexibility, and vision” are helpful qualities. (Concept 9, p. 202, Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual)

All committee members are asked to attend all committee meetings, if possible, in order to create an informed group conscience and to conduct Area business. When attendance is not possible, members are asked to send in a report to fulfill Tradition 9 (“directly responsible to those they serve”). Expenses such as driving costs are reimbursed by the Area.

If you are interested in expanding your program and enjoying the fellowship and satisfaction of serving at the Area level:

  • contact your District Representative or Group Representative, or
  • use this website’s “Contact Us” page, or
  • send an email to, or
  • come to an Area Assembly!

The Area service positions are listed below. Just click on the job you are interested in to find out more about it. If you’d like to serve in the 2025-2027 term, please contact

IT Coordinator
AA Liaison
Alateen Coordinator
Answering Service Coordinator
Archives Coordinator
Area Chairperson
Area Delegate
Alternate Delegate
Area Secretary
Area Treasurer/Alternate Treasurer
Group Records Coordinator
Literature/Forum Coordinator
Meeting List Coordinator
Newsletter Editor
Public Outreach Coordinator
Website Coordinator