Job Description: Newsletter Editor


The Newsletter Editor requests and collects sharings from Al-Anon members.  Composes the newsletter, Green Mountain Sharings, and distributes it throughout the Area including posting on the Area 56 website.

The Newsletter Editor is a voting member of the Area World Service Committee.







Created: 1/2000

Revised: 4/2015

Job Description: Area Secretary


The primary purpose for the Area Secretary is to accurately and completely reflect a written record of all proceedings and discussions at AWSC and Assembly meetings.

The Area Secretary is responsible for the following:

  • Coordinating notices with the Area Chair.
  • Taking minutes for each Area World Service Committee meeting and each Area Assembly.
  • Distributing the completed AWSC minutes within two weeks after the meeting to all area officers, coordinators and district representatives, as well as past delegates.
  • Distributing the completed Area Assembly minutes within two weeks after the Assembly to all groups who were represented at the Assembly, the District Representatives, and the AWSC.
  • Maintaining an up-to-date contacts list of Area Officers and Coordinators.
  • Maintaining a binder of paper copies of documents for Archival purposes.
  • Checking the Area post office box prior to each AWSC meeting.

The Area Secretary is a voting member of the Area World Service Committee.


Created: 2/2000

Revised: 3/2007, 3/2015

Job Description: Area Treasurer/Alternate Area Treasurer


Area Treasurer:

  • Deposits contributions and processes expenses in a timely manner.  Maintains files to support contributions and expenses. Keeps accurate records of bank accounts.
  • Reports monthly cash position to AWSC. Reports quarterly finance position to AWSC and Assemblies.
  • Prepares annual proposed and revised budgets with AWSC input.
  • Prepares annual appeal letter for approval and distribution.
  • Shares fiscal oversight responsibility with the Alternate Treasurer, in a structure that works for both members and is approved by the Area Committee.

The Treasurer is a voting member of the Area World Service Committee.

Alternate Area Treasurer:

  • Shares fiscal oversight responsibility with the Treasurer, in a structure that works for both members and is approved by the Area Committee.
  • Is prepared to fill in as the Treasurer needs.

The Alternate Treasurer is a voting member of the Area World Service Committee.


Created: 1991

Revised: 2000, 3/2015

Job Description: Alternate Delegate


The Alternate Delegate works closely with the Delegate and provides support to the Delegate. The Alternate should be informed of information from WSO, so that in the event the Delegate is unable to attend the World Service Conference, the Alternate is prepared to attend in the Delegate’s place to provide informed representation for the Area. The Alternate Delegate may fill in for the Delegate at AWSC meetings and Assemblies if necessary. The Alternate should be familiar with all the responsibilities of the Delegate. The Alternate and the Delegate may share the responsibility of visiting group and district meetings.

The Alternate Delegate also monitors the link on our Al-Anon website and addresses the issues that are raised or forwards them to the respective members of the appropriate committee.

The Alternate Delegate is a voting member of the Area World Service Committee.


Created: 4/2000

Revised: 3/2015

Reviewed: 3/2007