“In April 1980 Vermont was recognized as an Area by the 1980 World Service Conference; delegate seated with voice and vote. The first documented meeting for Vermont Area 56 was in August 1980. (The Area number is assigned by the World Service Office.)” p.122 in Green Mountain Memories: A History of Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups in Vermont (available from Vermont.AFGliterature@gmail.com)
The Area consists of seven Districts:
- District 1: Windham, southern half of Windsor, and two groups in NH (Claremont and Charlestown)
- District 2: Orange, northern half of Windsor, and two groups in NH (Lebanon and Hanover)
- District 3: Lamoille and Washington
- District 4: Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle
- District 5: Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans
- District 6: Addison and Rutland
- District 7: Bennington